1983 -This was the year that I was born and so as the Internet too :) I mean the year the Internet launched its operation. This is true when you consider about the internet which started working on TCP/IP in the year 1983. I always tried to find out whether anything important occurred in my birth year as well as on my birthday, just today I found out this one.
A little bit history about internet
The design of the Internet was done in 1973 and published in 1974. There ensued about 10 years of hard work, resulting in the roll out of Internet in 1983. January 1, 1983 was the day computer systems on the ARPANET were required to switch over to the TCP/IP protocol.NCP (Network Control Protocol) was the protocol used on the early ARPANET.
However there is controversy about the birthday of Internet since internet is nothing but a packet switching n/w based on TCP/IP protocol. And there were many packet switching n/ws before internet. For more details :A Closer Look At The Controversy Over The Internet's Birthday! You Decide
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